

Costs and Limitations


This Complete EHR is 2014 compliant and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments.

Vendor name: Bogardus Medical Systems, Inc.; Date Certified: July 25, 2013; Product Version: 9; Certification ID number: 07252013-1798-5
Criteria Certified:170.314(a)(1-15); 170.314(b)(1-5,7); 170.314(c)(1-3); 170.314(d)(1-8); 170.314(e)(1-3); 170.314(f)(1-3, 5), 170.314(g)(2-4)
Clinical Quality Measures Certified: CMS68v1, CMS69v1; CMS117v1; CMS125v1; CMS129v1; CMS130v1; CMS138v1; CMS139v1; CMS140v1; CMS147v1; CMS157v1; CMS165.v1; CMS166v1
Additional software used: DrFirst Rcopia, Secure Exchange Solutions. Additional software carries a small additional cost to customers.

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ePrescribing , medication list, allergies and drug-drug interactions

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(b)(3), 170.314(a)(2), 170.314(a)(6),170.314(a)(7), 170.314(a)(10)
  • Description of Capability: Electronic prescribing. Enables a user to electronically create prescriptions and prescription related information for electronic transmission. Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks before a medication order is completed and acted upon during computerized provider order entry (CPOE)Medication list. Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access a patient’s active medication list as well as medication history. Medication allergy list. Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access a patient’s active medication allergy list as well as medication allergy history. Drug-formulary checks. EHR technology automatically and electronically checks whether a drug formulary (or preferred drug list) exists for a given patient and medication.
  • Costs or Fees: Annual fees are required and are not part of the base service agreement. The fees are per prescribing provider. The electronic prescribing of controlled substances is not included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: This functionality does not come bundled with the base price of the certified product-version and requires a separate agreement.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: Must have an active and functioning broadband internet plan. Must agree to let the certified product-version’s contracted ePrescribe vendor(Dr. First) store, house, handle and transmit patient data.

Gathering information and transmitting this information to registries

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(f)(1), 170.314(f)(2), 170.314(f)(3), 170.314(f)(5)
  • Description of Capability: Immunization information. Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access immunization information. Transmission to immunization registries. EHR technology must be able to electronically create immunization information for electronic transmission. Transmission to public health agencies syndromic surveillance. EHR technology must be able to electronically create syndrome-based public health surveillance information for electronic transmission. Cancer case information. Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access cancer case information.
  • Costs or Fees: One-time or per transaction costs to establish interfaces for reporting to immunization registries, cancer registries and public health agencies may be required and are not part of the base service agreement.  Fees would be required if the registry assesses fees, or if their interface requirements cause BMSi, Inc to have to significantly alter our existing interfaces to accommodate their specific interface(s).
  • Contractual Limitations: This functionality comes bundled with the base price of the certified product-version. It may be necessary for you to enter into a contract with one or more registries. The requirements of these third party registries are out of the control on BMSI, Inc. However, we do not warrant that BMSi, Inc. will be able to establish agreements and required connections with all third-party registries.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: Must have an active and functioning broadband internet plan. Must agree to let the certified product-version communicate with any third party services. We cannot guarantee the cooperation or prevent fees of any third parties.

Direct Messaging

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(e)(1), 170.314(e)(3), 170.314(b)(1), 170.314(e)(2)
  • Description of Capability: View, download, and transmit to 3rd party. EHR technology provides patients (and their authorized representatives) with an online means to view, download, and transmit to a 3rd party. Secure messaging. Enables a user to electronically send secure messages to, and receive messages from a patient. Transitions of care. Receive, display, and incorporate transition of care/referral summaries. Transitions of care. Create and transmit transition of care/referral summaries.
  • Costs or Fees: Monthly, semi-annual or annual fees are required and are not part of the base service agreement. The costs are per provider.
  • Contractual Limitations: This functionality does not come bundled with the base price of the certified product-version and requires a separate agreement. Pursuant to Secure Exchange Solutions’s security policy, the Direct messaging capability is restricted and users will be unable to exchange messages with users of third-party HISPs with whom the developer does not have a trust agreement. Should a provider wish to establish a new connection with a third-party HISP, provider must lodge a service request identifying the third-party party HISP along with contact information for the HISP. Secure Exchange Solutions will establish, maintain and support technology to manage the connection. Third-party HISPs must agree to Secure Exchange Solutions’ connection and trust agreement. Secure Exchange Solutions will make every effort in good faith to establish such connectivity within a reasonable time frame (no longer than 3 months). However, we do not warrant that Secure Exchange Solutions will be able to establish agreements and required connections with all third-party HISPs.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: Must have an active and functioning broadband internet plan. Must agree to let the certified product-version communicate with any third party services. We cannot guarantee the cooperation or prevent fees of any third parties. The limit to the number of direct messages that can be sent in a given connection is limited to how many the certified product-version can encrypt and send in 10 minutes.

Clinical Quality Measures

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(c)(1), 170.314(c)(2), 170.314(c)(3)
  • Description of Capability: Clinical Quality Measures capture and export. For each and every CQM for which the EHR technology is presented for certification, EHR technology must be able to electronically record all of the data identified. Clinical quality measures import and calculate. EHR technology must be able to electronically calculate each and every clinical quality measure for which it is presented for certification. Clinical quality measures electronic submission. Enables a user to electronically create a data file for transmission of clinical quality measurement data.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Clinical Summary

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(e)(2)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to create a clinical summary for a patient in human readable format and formatted according to the standards adopted.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Problem Lists

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(5), 170.314(a)(13)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access a patient’s active problem list. Family health history. Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access a patient’s family health history.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Computerized Provider Order Entry

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(1)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access the following order types, at a minimum: (i) Medications; (ii) Laboratory; and (iii) Radiology/imaging.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement. ePrescribe is the certified method of entering medication orders, and that functionality carries an annual fee. Please reference the ePrescribe section for those associated costs and limitations.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations except for medication orders. Please reference the ePrescribe section for those associated costs and limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations except for medication orders. Please reference the ePrescribe section for those associated costs and limitations.

Clinical Decision Support

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(8)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a limited set of identified users to select (i.e. activate) one or more electronic clinical decision support interventions (in addition to drug-drug and drug-allergy contraindication checking) based on each one and at least one combination of data.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Electronic Notes

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(9)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, access, and search electronic notes.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Smoking Status

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(11)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access the smoking status of a patient in accordance with the standard specified.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Image Results

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(12)
  • Description of Capability: Electronically indicates to a user the availability of a patient’s images and narrative interpretations (relating to the radiographic or other diagnostic test(s)) and enable electronic access to such images and narrative interpretations.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.


  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(3)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access patient demographic data including preferred language, sex, race, ethnicity, and date of birth.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Vital Signs, Body Mass Index, and Growth Charts

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(4)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically record, change, and access, at a minimum, a patient’s height/length, weight, and blood pressure. Automatically calculates and electronically displays body mass index based on a patient’s height and weight. Plots and electronically displays, upon request, growth charts for patients.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Patient List Creation

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(14)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically and dynamically select, sort, access, and create patient lists by: date and time; and based on each one and at least one combination of the following data: Problems; Medications; Medication allergies; Demographics; Laboratory tests and values/results; and patient communication preferences.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Patient-Specific Education Resources

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(a)(15)
  • Description of Capability: EHR technology must be able to electronically identify for a user patient-specific education resources based on data included in the patient’s problem list, medication list, and laboratory tests and values/results.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Clinical Information Reconciliation

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(b)(4)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically reconcile the data that represent a patient’s active medication, problem, and medication allergy list.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Incorporate Laboratory Tests and Values/Results

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(b)(5)
  • Description of Capability: Electronically receives and incorporates clinical laboratory tests and values/results. Electronically displays the tests and values/results received in human readable format.
  • Costs or Fees: This certified product-version may require one-time costs to establish interfaces for incorporating lab tests and values/results. Fees would be required if the laboratory results provider assesses fees, or if their interface requirements cause BMSi, Inc to have to significantly alter our existing interfaces to accommodate their specific interface(s).
  • Contractual Limitations: It may be necessary for you to enter into a contract with one or more laboratory results providers. The requirements of these vendors are out of the control on BMSI, Inc. However, we do not warrant that BMSi, Inc. will be able to establish agreements and required connections with all laboratory results providers. 
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: Must have an active and functioning broadband internet plan.

Data portability

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(b)(7)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically create a set of export summaries for all patients in EHR technology.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Authentication, Access Control, Authorization and Auditing

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(1), 170.314(d)(2), 170.314(d)(3)
  • Description of Capability: The certified product-version verifies against a unique identifier(s) (e.g., username or number) that a person seeking access to electronic health information is the one claimed, audit certain actions and enables a user to create an audit report for a specific time period.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.


  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(4)
  • Description of Capability: Enables a user to electronically select the record affected by a patient’s request for amendment and accept/deny the amendment. In either case, the amendment will be appended to the patient’s record.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Automatic Log-Off

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(5)
  • Description of Capability: Prevents a user from gaining further access to an electronic session after a predetermined time of inactivity.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Emergency Access

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(6)
  • Description of Capability: Permits an identified set of users to access electronic health information during an emergency.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

End-User Device Encryption

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(7)
  • Description of Capability: EHR technology is designed to prevent electronic health information from being locally stored on end-user devices after use of EHR technology on those devices stops.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.


  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(d)(8)
  • Description of Capability: Verifies upon receipt of electronically exchanged health information that such information has not been altered.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Automated Measure Calculation

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(g)(2)
  • Description of Capability: For each applicable meaningful use objective, the certified product-version electronically records the numerator and denominator and creates a report including the numerator, denominator, and resulting percentage associated with each applicable meaningful use measure.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Safety-Enhanced Design

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(g)(3)
  • Description of Capability: User-centered design processes were applied to each capability the EHR technology for the following criterion:
    170.314(a)(1) Computerized provider order entry
    170.314(a)(2) Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks
    170.314(a)(6) Medication list
    170.314(a)(7) Medication allergy list
    170.314(a)(8) Clinical decision support
    170.314(a)(16) Inpatient setting only – electronic medication administration record
    170.314(b)(3) Electronic prescribing
    170.314(b)(4) Clinical information reconciliation
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.

Quality Management System

  • Associated Certification Criterion: 170.314(g)(4)
  • Description of Capability: For each certification capability, the use of a Quality Management System (QMS) in the development, testing, implementation and maintenance of that capability was identified. This QMS can be standard or home-grown.
  • Costs or Fees: This functionality is included in the base service agreement.
  • Contractual Limitations: No contractual limitations.
  • Technical or Practical Limitations: No technical or practical limitations.
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